Metro Birding Areas

Birders have good reasons to use our trails. With the help of a grant from the Nebraska Wildlife Fund, GPTN, Lincoln Parks and Recreation and the Wildbird Habitat Store have identified several locations where birds are known to congregate and installed "Metro Birding Area" signs to identify those locations.
The current locations are:
1. Billy Wolff Trail at Holmes Lake, 70th and Van Dorn Streets
2. Tierra Briarhurst/South Pointe Trail, Tierra Briarhurst Park, 27th and Hwy. 2
3. Rock Island Trail, 27th and Hwy. 2 to Densmore Park
4. Rock Island Trail, 27th and Hwy. 2 to South St
5. Jamaica North, 27th and Saltillo Rd. to Salt Creek Levee, 1st and Van Dorn Streets or “Wilderness Park”
6. Bison Trail to Pioneers Park, Coddington and Van Dorn Streets
7. Salt Creek Levee Trail extension at Oak Lake, 1st and Charleston
8. Murdock Trail at Mahoney Park, 70th-84th Streets
9. Adjacent to MoPac Trail and 33rd Street, Wallace Arboretum, UN-L East Campus, 35th and Holdrege Streets
10. MoPac Trail, 84th to 148th Streets, East Lincoln south of O Street
11. Unnamed extension of Boosalis and Old Cheney Trails, Pine Lake Road at 62nd Street, (trail currently under development, not surveyed).
Need help? Contact the Nebraska Bird Library.